Welcome To The MovementWelcome To The Movement

Welcome To The Movement



Welcome to My HeARTbeat Movement, where we inspire individuals to explore and channel their emotions through the captivating world of Performing Arts. Our organization is dedicated to utilizing the power of Dance/Movement, Theatre Art, Creative Writing, and Visual Art as expressive mediums. With a particular focus on the youth and the community, we believe in the transformative potential of artistic expression. Life often presents challenges that elicit a spectrum of emotions, and at My HeARTbeat Movement, we aim to harness the universal experience of pain. Our platform is designed to help individuals create beautiful works of art from the emotions we often conceal. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through the diverse and enriching avenues of Performing Arts. Let My HeARTbeat Movement be your catalyst for turning hidden pain into powerful and meaningful artistic expressions.
● Dance & Movement Programs

● Dance & Movement Programs

Discover a world of artistic exploration with My HeARTbeat's specially crafted programs designed for youth and school-age participants. Explore the exciting range of offerings tailored to specific age groups.
Meet The Founder

Meet The Founder

To watch dance phenomenon Lisa “Hollywood” Rozier is a delightful treat for the senses. Her love for performing arts began at age 3. Dancing was always her first passion. As she developed her gift, she took interest in other types of dance, including African Lyrical, Jazz, Mime, B-Boy and Hip Hop; and soon began to use it as means to expressing herself through performing arts. In 2017, she had the pleasure of joining the cast of Kenny Leon’s True Colors Theatre Company - “Holler If Ya Hear Me”. One performance after another, she found her niche: highlighting the definition of music with unorthodox, surprising and expressive movements. In 2018, Hollywood was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis - a chronic auto-immune disease that attacks the central nervous system. Despite the daily challenges that come with MS, she continues to use her passions as a way to release.- Throughout her journey, she continued to sharpen her production skills from performing to teaching choreography and directing. This Atlanta native devotes her gifts to schools and programs across Georgia teaching inner-city youth the art of expression through movement. As Hollywood continues to push through all of her obstacles, her ultimate goal is to encourage everyone to do the same.

Our Programs

Our Programs - #1
Dance Your heART Out
Immerse yourself in this unique program that seamlessly blends dance and theater arts. It's a celebration of expression through abstract movement, encouraging students to embark on a journey of self-discovery. Our curriculum highlights essential values, emphasizing confidence, authentic expression, the importance of knowledge retention, and diverse avenues for releasing energy in uplifting ways.
Our Programs - #2
Moving Through Trauma Movement Program:
This 6-week experience is crafted to empower youth with essential tools for navigating and processing trauma. Through the dynamic combination of dance, movement, and creative writing, participants will discover impactful ways to address and manage their emotions, fostering healing and personal growth. The program concludes with a showcase performance, allowing students to demonstrate what they've learned.
Our Programs - #3
Movement Master Classes & Creative Writing 101
Join us in the exploration of creativity, self-expression, and personal growth through the diverse programs at My HeARTBeat Movement